* Balance Care Acupuncture Clinic - Ben Jin *


As a NCCAOM-certified professional and Registered Acupuncturist, I can help you regain health, prevent disease, and enhance quality of life by the following Advanced Approach and Traits. 

My goal is to provide the best customized treatment to each patient and achieve excellent outcomes for all, allowing them to live life to its full potential.  In short, I has been pursuing high quality tailored treatments.

Natural Holistic Healthcare Consulting

* Treat Acute, Chronic, Degenerative, and

    Autoimmune Diseases by Holistic Natural Therapy !

 * Natural Treatment & Preventive Medicine !!

 * The Best Solution for Quality of Life, Rejuvenation,

     and Longevity !!!

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Our Distinctive Treatment Approach!

 Etiology-Oriented Treatment

 * Diagnose the root causes of all the symptoms and organ disorders  

 * Treat them systematically and holistically for restoring balance.    

 * Treat all the symptoms from the same etiology simultaneously.    

 High Quality Acupuncture Treatment

* Systematic & Holistic Diagnosis

   (Whole body Checkup Questionaire for Systematic Etiology Diagnosis

    because our human body is an organic whole)

* Faster Treatment Results

   (in most cases, experience the treatment resullts

    a few minutes after acupuncture treatment or immediate response) 

* High Standard of Sanitation & Safety

   (Use safer acupuncture Points on the arms between the elbows and fingers and

     on the legs between the knees and the toes & Disposable Needles.)

* Healthy side Acupuncture: A Neurological Style of Acupuncture

   (When disorders are on the left side of the body,

    apply acupuncture on the right side of the body and vice versa.)

* Use of Fewer Acupuncture Points or Needles

   (Usually apply acupuncture on 3-5 acupuncture points

    to restore balance or address the root causes of disorders)

Custom-tailored Oriental Medicine

* Fit to the needs of each patient and Address them

Prevention & Rejuvenation Medicine

* Preventive Strategies for people of all ages

* Comprehensive Model for treatment

Korean Genuine Medicine Video 

Professionally Specializing in:

*  Pain Management

    (Back, Shoulder, Neck, Knee and Joint pain, Whiplash, Carpal Tunnel,

     Compressed or Slipped Disc, Sciatica, All Injuries)

*  Chronic Disease

    (Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma, Fatigue, Edema, Depression, Hemorrhoids,

    Anxiety, Incontinence, Degenerative & Rheumatoid Arthritis, Impotence,

    Constipation, Prostatitis, Dry Eyes, IBS, Hearing Loss/ Pesbycusis,

    Tinnitus, Hot Flash, Insomnia, Anxiousness, etc. )

*  Autoimmune Diseases

    (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hyper/ Hypothyroidism, Ulcerative Colitis,

     Fibromyalgia, Raynaud's Disease, Crohn's Disease, Behcet, etc.) 

*  Gynecological Disorders

  (PMS, Menopause, Mood Swings, Morbid-Menstruation/Leukorrhea, Uterine Bleeding)

*  Rehabilitation

    (Stroke, Bell’s Palsy, Parkinson’s, etc.)

*  Headaches & Migraines

*  Infertility (Pregnancy support)

*  Cough, Common Cold

*  Diabetes(type II), High Blood Pressure

*  Obesity, Addiction, Stress

    (Weight Loss, Smoking Cessation, Relaxation Technique)

*  Anti-Aging Program 

    (Diet Consultation, Rejuvenation Herbs, Holistic Longevity Exercise Programs)

*  Others  

    (Meniere’s disease, Dementia, Herpes, etc.)

Advantage & Benefits of Etiology-Oriented Acupuncture

Our etiology-oriented approach aims to swiftly eliminate pain or organ disorders and to prevent recurring symptoms. Even though they may recur, the pain and symptoms are far less severe, and the subsequent treatments require less time and frequency because the root of the disease has already been addressed.

Moreover, our treatment enhances overall physical health because it can alleviate other symptoms that have come from the underlying root cause and has preventive strategies. Complexion also becomes clearer and brighter. Therefore, anti-aging effects are manifested on the exterior.

On the other hand, most acupuncture treatments today tend to apply needles around painful areas of the body or to focus solely on the symptoms of disease. This usually alleviates the pain or symptoms of disease; however, the root causes of the disorder are not properly treated. Therefore, the pain or symptoms can recur often.


Ray S.

"My name is Ray, I want to say that acupuncture has significantly healed constant neck, back pain and arthritis that I have had for years although physiotherapy helped me previously. Nothing helped reduce the pain more than acupuncture.
Thank you Ben."

Tatyana F.

"I suffered from my upper back pain that would never go away for years. When I first came in the clinic, I was very scared because I had never tried acupuncture treatment before and I was extremely afraid of needles and shots. However, Ben Jin only tapped four tiny needle into my hand and foot on the healthy side while I lay there and relaxed, it made an incredible difference. After a session of 10 Acupuncture treatments in one month, I am 100% better. I've also been treated for menopause flushes and sleep issues with Acupuncture. Ben Jin is an amazing doctor who is extremely knowledgeable. Thank You for making a difference in my health."

Sandra C.

"Many of you may not know that I had a sprained ankle on Monday evening after my taekwondo class... Well, I left with a pretty painful limp in my left ankle.. It was definitely sprained! I had to work the next day with a lot of pain.

That's when I decided to give my new acupuncturist Ben Jin a try... On Wednesday I still had a pretty painful limp, he put 2 needles on my right foot (not the sprained one), as well as 2 needles on my right arm!!! 10 minutes later I walked out of the room without a limp! And the pain went from a 10 to a 3!!! I am absolutely impressed with this man. And I have had a lot of acupuncture in the past years, and I can clearly say this is the best quality I have experienced!

If you have never tried it, or if you have been thinking about trying acupuncture, I would highly recommend Ben Jin. I'm blessed to have such a talented practitioner." 

Marina F.

"I was suffering from chronic Arthritis of my left knee. I could barely walk. Every move hurt. I had to ask my family doctor to get some pain medicine. I did feel relief for the time I took the medicines but the problem would keep recurring. Due to the side effects from the medicines I felt nausea and fatigue.

Then, by chance one day I passed by Moody Park Health & Wellness Centre. I came in the clinic to enquire about my well being. Ben Jin is a registered acupuncture practioner. On seeing my condition, he suggested me to take acupuncture treatments.

I started taking acupuncture sessions. As soon as my 5th session was done, all of my problems started subsidizing gradually. Pain started reducing. It was miracle; I was quite comfortable within one month and forgot that I had any problem. I feel complete relief from the pain in my knee. Now I can walk properly.

I will always be grateful to Mr. Ben Jin!"

Brian H.

"My allergies have been getting increasingly worse over the last 7 years. They got to the point where I was missing work on a weekly basis due to my itchy eyes, sneezing and confusion.

I have tried all the allergy pills, none worked consistently and the ones that helped gave me severe nose bleeds. Sprays were a bit better but after experiencing shortness of breath and mood swings that I later found were common side effects I had to stop. Allergy shots were a total no go, saw one allergist, got some shots, almost ended up in the hospital each time. Saw a second allergist, he told me I was allergic to totally different things than the first (literally one said cats, the other said dog type thing) and suggested shots at double the price as the first.

I was at Moody Park Wellness center getting a massage to help alleviate my symptoms when they informed me they had just brought in an acupuncturist and suggested I give it a try. I had never heard of acupuncture working for allergies but was desperate to try anything. From the first spot on my hand that Ben stimulated I felt my nose start to clear, after my first session I felt great for hours. It only got better from there. He only had to tap a few tiny needle into my hand and foot while I lay there and relaxed, it made an incredible difference.

It was pretty well into allergy season when I started so it took a few sessions to build up resistance to the allergies but after that all it took was occasional upkeep appointments and I was finally free to enjoy my summer allergy and side effect free. It Was the best summer I've had in years and I plan to see Ben as early as possible this time around so I can have a full summer allergy free, am looking forward to it."

Georgie A. 

In early February, I walked in to Moody Park Wellness Acupuncture Clinic with severe pain in my right shoulder for six months and met Ben Jin, my acupuncturist. We chatted for several minutes, set up an appointment and ten sessions later, my shoulder is pain free. I had acupuncture over 10 years ago for the same problem. This time, the pain in my shoulder was causing non-stop nagging headaches. I had tried  over-the-counter headache medication to no avail but the acupuncture  cleared up both ailments within a short period of time. I was thrilled and now highly recommend this painless form of healing with Ben Jin, who is so knowledgeable, considerate and gentle. He definitely has my vote of confidence!

Sharon G.

I sought out registered acupuncturist Ben Jin after experiencing years of shoulder and wrist pain from tendonitis; pain that was becoming progressively worse and preventing me from pursuing activities that I enjoyed and threatening my ability to work.

Unlike many acupuncturists, Ben doesn’t treat just the presenting symptoms, but rather looks for the root cause of the problem; eliminating the inflammation and treating the injury at its source.  This has resulted in an elimination of the recurrent pain and enhanced joint mobility; something that other treatments like massage and physiotherapy were unable to achieve.

I would highly recommend Ben to anyone suffering from chronic pain conditions and I am continually grateful for how much better I am functioning because of his treatments.

The following is some of our distinctive treatment services:


We focus on the root causes of your acute or chronic pain and has integrated the most effective pain modalities to treat them.  The cause-oriented approach can lead to better treatment results with fewer needles.  Our goal is to provide long lasting pain relief and complete healing.


In the last two decades, the significance of the immune system and its role in disease has become more apparent.  

Our Treatment focuses on the root causes of the illness and is usually based on a combination of therapies. The root causes of the disorder are addressed, and the autoimmune system is boosted by our holistic oriental medicine therapy.


Acupuncture and herbs are a safe and effective way to enhance fertility, prevent miscarriage, and maintain a healthy pregnancy. It can be used alone or in addition to western medicine. Whether you are trying to conceive naturally or with the help of western medical treatment, acupuncture can help you conceive.  Oriental Medicine has been used to promote fertility, health and longevity for over 2000 years.  


Where my Treatment Principles & Practice come from?

Dong Ui Bo Gam(Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine) is  an ancient Korean medical book and an encyclopedia of medical knowledge and treatment techniques in East Asia. It was compiled and edited by the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) physician Heo Jun for 1596-1610. Moreover, the 25 volumes of the book were inscribed into UNESCO's Memory of the World Register in July 30, 2009, becoming the first oriental medical text to be acknowledged. It referred to major classics on traditional Chinese medicine like Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon, Introduction to medicine(Yixue rumen), Treatise on Cold Damage Disorders, and Principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, etc.

According to the article "Acupuncture Points for Main Disorders" in Dong Ui Bo Gam(p.779),  needling one acupuncture point for any disorder is the ultimate goal to pursue and needling four acupuncture points is the acceptable number of acupuncture points to practice, but needling too many acupuncture points on the body could be harmful.

According to the article "Acupuncture Techniques Geo Ja Beop" in Dong Ui Bo Gam (P.777) and the 24th measure of Acupuncture Song in the SaAm's Classic of Medicine(P.424), discretely handed down from ancient Korea before B.C. 57, when disorders are on the left side of the body, apply acupuncture on the right side of the body and vice versa. Therefore, I have practiced acupuncture treatment based on the Principles and Practice of these two precious classics.     


 imageimage  Mission & Wishes

     Regain Health!

    Prevent Disease!

 Enhance Quality of Life!


Balance Care Therapy Consulting 

Why Acupuncture?                       

Acupuncture is a safe and effective holistic treatment backed by more than two thousand years of practice and research. It is practiced worldwide both as a primary and adjunctive treatment for a wide range of conditions.

Acupuncture involves the stimulation of specific points on the body by a variety of techniques-usually hair-thin metallic needles- to treat or prevent illness.

The acupuncture stimulation aims to keep the balance between yin and yang, thus allowing for normal flow of Qi or energy through the body and restoring health to the mind and body. 

What conditions can Acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to be effective in the treatment of a wide variety of medical problems. Here is a list of a few problems acupuncture and oriental medicine has been effective at treating.
  • Neuromusculosketal Conditions (Arthritis, Neck, Shoulder & Back Pains, Dizziness, Neuralgia, Insomnia)
  • Emotional and Psychological disorders (Anxiety, Depression, Migraines)
  • Circulatory disorders (Angina Pectoris, Arteriosclerosis, Anemia, Hypertension)
  • Respiratory disorders (Allergies, Emphysema, Bronchitis, Sinusitis)
  • Gastrointestinal conditions (Anorexia, Gastritis, Chronic Diarrhea, Indigestion, Constipation, IBS, Ulcers, Hemorrhoid)

A Neurological Style of Acupuncture?

When a needle is inserted into the proper place it sends a signal to the brain via the nervous system to release enkephalins, the body’s own natural pain killers. Then the pain stops or is reduced immediately. When the pain stops, the blood vessels open up and bring nutrients and oxygen to the injured area thereby producing quick pain relief. That’s how the body heals itself.

To get in touch with me, just click on "Contact Me"

 and send me a message.

Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.